What Your Hands Say About You

You are logical, analytical, and rational. You have good verbal skills.

Flexible and broad minded, you can fit in to any situation. There's no telling where your life will take you.

Practical and down to earth, you're a doer not a dreamer. You rather get something done than think about it all day.

Your emotions tend to be well though out. You're willing to wait out a bad situation, and you're never too quick to act.


Sabriza Hassan Assa'ari said...
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Sabriza Hassan Assa'ari said...

"Practical and down to earth, you're a doer not a dreamer. You rather get something done than think about it all day.

Your emotions tend to be well though out. You're willing to wait out a bad situation, and you're never too quick to act."

bagus la...i really need dat! ;)

lymeq said...

mind me linking yours to my blog.heee.